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Kickstart Scheme webinar

Kickstart Scheme webinar

As part of the Government’s “Plan for Jobs” they have launched the Kickstart Scheme. This aims to create thousands of work placements, fully funded by the Government, to help businesses recover from the impact of COVID-19, while also helping young people back into...
Helpful guidance on the new Job Support Scheme

Helpful guidance on the new Job Support Scheme

It is well known that the Government furlough scheme is tapering down and finishes at the end of October 2020. We now have details of it’s replacement, the “Job Support Scheme”. A fact sheet from HM Treasury tells us how the scheme will work and here...
Proportion of companies calculating their ethnicity pay gap increases

Proportion of companies calculating their ethnicity pay gap increases

Larger companies have had to report on their gender pay gap for some time and it is likely that in time the Government will require smaller companies to do so. Currently, the law does not require companies to report on their ethnicity pay gap. However, accountancy...
Statutory payments must be on normal pay and not furlough pay

Statutory payments must be on normal pay and not furlough pay

With effect from tomorrow, new Regulations come into force. The Regulations say that employers must calculate certain statutory payments, which include redundancy and notice pay, based on a furloughed employee’s normal pay. With redundancy becoming more possible...