+44 (0) 1332 866610 enquiries@precepthr.com

Sometimes things just aren’t working out between an employer and an employee. Personalities clash, things get personal and nothing you try and do seems to resolve the situation. In these scenarios, sometimes taking a bit of a shortcut to bring about the end of the employment relationship is in everybody’s best interests. But how do you go about taking that shortcut? You may have heard about protected conversations but what exactly are they and how should they be handled? Or you may have heard of, or even used protected conversations in the past, but are you really getting the most out of them?  We’ll give you an experts guide on all things “protected conversations”, how and when to use them…..and then next month you are in for another showcase of talent as the Precept team “act out” a protected conversation with a very difficult employee (ahem…Emma!)  You don’t want to miss these ones!

Date: Wednesday 10 May 2023.

Timings. The event will start at 10am and finish at 11am.

Location: Virtual – via Microsoft Teams (you can still access the event if you do not have Teams).

How do I book? To book your free place please visit:  CLICK HERE

Who will be speaking at the event?  Philip Pearson, Associate will be running this session.

Who should attend? The event will be of benefit to people with HR responsibilities or business owners.

How much does it cost? The event is free.